Vegan Quiche Lorraine is made of Flavorful Tofu Filling, Tempeh Bacon Bits Layer, Toped with Cauliflower & Drizzled with a Zesty Cashew Cream. It is soft and creamy with crunchy gluten free crust that will melt in your mouth.
Some of you may know I made few tarts in the past, however, this Vegan Quiche Lorraine is actulay a first savory one. Nevertheless, I am still learning, because I am only beginner. Especially when comes to gluten free, which I really need to master, eventough I do not have problem with gluten. The reason I like some gluten free mixes for example Bob’s Red Mill is because they contain Sorghum flour, which is highly nutritious. To find out more, please read HERE.

I do also like whole grain spelt, but for fine tarts and pastries, gluten free mix is more appropriate. Nevertheless, I need to master making dough the old fashion way. Instead forming it in the pan, which was fine for now, I have to get rolling.

Yet, if you are beginner as well, it may be an easier way for you too, as long as you follow my instructions. I learned how to do that by making raw tarts first, for example EASTER RAW TART and few raw mini tarts. My first gluten free were FRENCH MINI APPLE TARTS and I made them same way.

Nevertheless, from now on I am planning to take the next step and practice the classic way with rolling pin. I have dome my research, so I think I should be able to do it. Of course I will keep you posted, so please wish me luck.

Thank you for visiting and if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact me. I wish you a wonderful week.
- Tart pan 9 1/2 inch X 2inch, food processor, parchment paper, brush.
- 2 ½ cups gluten free flour mix I use Bob’s Red Mill
- ½ cup almond flour
- ¼ cup arrow root powder
- ½ tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp Himalayan pink salt
- ½ cup cooled vegetable shortening or vegan butter, cut into cubes
- ¾ cup of ice-cold water
- 600 gr soft silken tofu 2pkg organic
- 4 tbsp chickpea flour
- 1 tbsp turmeric powder
- 1 tbsp paprika powder
- 1 tsp Kala Namak salt
- 1 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
- Garlic powder to taste
- 1 tbsp Bragg liquid aminos
- 1/4 cup scallions sliced
- 175 gr tempeh 1/2pkg
- 1 tbsp Brag liquid aminos
- Garlic powder to taste
- 1 tsp smoke liquid
- 2 tbsp grape seed oil or oil of your choice
- 1 small red onion diced
- Black pepper to taste
- Himalayan pink salt to tase
- ¼ cauliflower only florets
- Garlic powder to taste
- Himalayan pink slat to taste
- 1 tbsp grape seed oil or oil of your choice
- 3 tbsp water
- Line the bottom of your quiche pan with parchment paper. Brush with oil first, to help the paper stick better.
- If you have a food processor, add all the dry ingredients in with butter and blend by pressing the pulse button until it worms texture similar to breadcrumbs.
- If you do not have food processor do this in a bowl with your hands.
- When ready, gradually start adding ice cold water, while working the dough with your hands shaping a ball.
- In the food processor the ball will shape easily. Just make sure, you are adding the ice water slowly.
- Take the nicely shaped ball and place in the middle of your quiche pan.
- Press down with your fingers making flat surface, all the way to the edges.
- Apply plastic wrap to cover the surface and begin pressing down while moving towards the edges, until you create rim about ¼ inch thick.
- Peal the plastic off and remove the excess dough that overlap the edge.
- Gently press down the edge with you your fingers to make it nice and smooth, although, it does not have to be perfect.
- Place into a refrigerator tor for 30minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 350F, 200C
- Piece the bottom with fork few times, apply sheet of parchment paper in the middle and fill with 1 ½ cups of baking beets or beans. Cut off the edges of the parchment paper and bake for 10minutes.
- When ready, remove the beans and brush the edges lightly with oil.
- Apply tempeh layer first, pour the tofu layer and top with cauliflower.
- Place back into oven for 45minutes.
- Let it cool down for few minutes before removing from the pan.
- Sprinkle with scallion and serve with cashew cream.
- Brake half of tempeh block into smaller pieces and smash with pastry cutter into bits.
- Sauté on hot oil until golden brown while adding all the spices and set aside.
- Sauté onion on a hot oil until translucent and mix with tempeh bits. Set aside.
- Brush heated frying pan with oil and place few cauliflower florets on the surface. Bruch them with oil, add some garlic powder with salt and turn over. Add water reduce the heat and let it steep for 5minutes under the lid.
- Take it off the heat and set aside.
- Reduce liquid from tofu by placing it into strainer above a bowl for 10 minutes.
- When ready, break it into smaller pieces and toss it into a blender with the rest of the ingredients, except scallions. Blend until smooth.
- Transfer into a dish and add the scallions. Mix well, possibly with a whisk.